

Many people go with different skin problems, and it can be difficult to know what it may actually be due to. They do not understand the connection between the body and skin, and we usually suppress the problem with a face cream. Many solo entrepreneurs have many hours in front of the computer, and that can damage your skin. 

4 reasons why you can not get rid of your skin problem!

You have probably heard of a “leaky gut”; if you have it, it is also common to have “leaky skin.” In the event of a leaky gut, the intestinal barrier becomes permeable, and foreign substances such as Food particles, bacteria, and viruses enter the bloodstream and adversely affect your immune system. Your skin is similar to your gut in that it also has a barrier designed to protect it from objects and organisms from the outside. When the acid mantle (the protection the skin has against intruders) becomes unbalanced, you can get various skin rashes. Your bacteria, both on the skin and in the gut, are crucial in how strong and resistant your skin barrier is.

 The reason why the skin problem does not go away, even though you have used all sorts of skin care products, is leaky skin. Always look at your skin from the inside out. 

I have talked for over 20 years about how important it is to work on the skin from the inside and out. You need to treat the cause and not just the symptoms. We usually need more than one cream to solve the problem!

When I was little, I had both eczema and acne. Today I know why I got it (inflamed stomach due to mercury poisoning from amalgam), but it took many years to understand how to work with the skin properly. I have probably used all the creams in the world, I think …. haha ​​but nothing helped. Not until I did it right!

4 steps that I have helped both myself and others are:

1. How do digestion and the gut work?

The first thing I always look at is how digestion works and how the gut feels.

As mentioned above, a leaky gut has much to do with your skin problems. A leaky gut can occur with a lot of stress, chemicals, parasites, food that irritates the gut, or heavy metals.

When the bowel leaks, chronic rash on the skin is one of the most common symptoms. A leaky gut can also trigger autoimmune diseases that directly affect the skin, such i.a. vitiligo and psoriasis.

Take command of the gut.

If you change your diet and nothing happens, you need to dive deeper into the world of the gut. You also need to work with any inflammation in the intestine. Even minor intestinal infections can cause chronic skin rashes.

You need to know how the gut works and how to build it up. Balancing the microbiome is important, as it is probably a so-called dysbiosis (imbalance in the microbiome).

Do you have a food intolerance?

Food intolerance can trigger skin problems such as eczema, acne, and rosacea. But most of the time, intolerance is not a root cause but a side effect of having a leaky gut or an inflammation that has been there for a while.

My stomach and skin improved When I understood the connection between the food I ate and my rashes and removed mainly milk and wheat. It is important to persevere and have patience, as it is not a quick fix. Continue for at least 3-6 months to see results. It is important to change your lifestyle and not just make it a temporary diet.

Even if intolerances are not the root cause of various intestinal and skin problems, they can be a trigger. The root cause is thus something else, such as heavy metals, parasites, chemicals, or prolonged stress, which over time has led to a leaky gut, inflammation, and then to an intolerance.

Start by looking at what foods you may be intolerant to. When you exclude these, the intestine can rest, providing better healing conditions.

At the same time, work to remove what irritates the intestine, and then make sure that the mucous membrane is tight. As I said, changing your diet and removing inflammatory diets and chemicals around you is also important.

2. Are you sensitive to nickel?

Another factor for skin rash may be a nickel allergy. If you do not tolerate jewelry of various kinds with nickel in it, it is not only enough to remove the jewelry, but you also need to remove food that contains nickel.

Unfortunately, many different foods can contain nickel, especially gluten-free alternatives, but also different vegetables, rice, raspberries, pineapple, almonds, buckwheat, oats, peanuts, dates, millet and chocolate, and more.

3. Do you have a FLG gene mutation?

If you have leaky skin, it may also be because you have a reduction in the gene that ensures that filaggrin is produced.

Filaggrin is a protein that is necessary to maintain a healthy skin barrier. When filaggrin cannot be produced, long-term skin problems disappear. It has been seen that 20-30% of those with atopic dermatitis have an FLG gene mutation (a mutation in the gene that produces this protein).

The cells in the epidermis become defective due to how filaggrin is made, which means that the skin can not protect the tissue from invaders. The skin can also not retain moisture, and the skin dries out. In the long run, your pH value in the skin and, thus, your important microbiome is affected.

Provide the skin with probiotics and give your protective barrier better conditions.

4. Are you using the right skin care products?

The final step is to review which skin care products you are using. Remove all soaps and foams that foam, as these negatively affect your microbiome. Preferably use a cleansing cream and add what the skin is made for. Both your skin and your body want to live in symbiosis with nature. So what does that mean?

Use skincare that has the correct pH value for the skin. Something that can really disrupt an intact skin barrier is a product that is either too acidic or too alkaline. The skin’s pH value is about 5, and too significant differences in pH value can put the skin in imbalance. We have lost about 35% of our good bacteria on the skin, and we must restore its environment for a solid and protective barrier.


The intestine is thus closely related to the skin through the so-called intestinal-skin axis. Here, your microbiome and its set play a crucial role. Therefore, supporting the gut and skin with good bacteria that protect this shoulder is important.
