


This is how you get a finer skin and a better viability!

It is important to see how clean the foods you eat are and the cleaner the food, the more vitality, and the more vitality the finer the skin is! 🙂

Where you are on the life viability scale is the basis for how you feel. The cleaner food you eat, the higher up on the scale you are, giving you more vitality!

Most diets contain vegetables and it is the greens that gives you vitality! I usually recommend filling your plate with at least 50% vegetables and less of the other foods. Just this change can do a lot for your health.


How to get more life viability and a finer skin! 


1. Eat an enzyme-rich diet
Increase the proportion of fresh vegetables on your plate and ensure that the stomach acid has a good level, by chewing the food properly. Make all your meals from scratch and avoid food with additives in it, it creates fatigue and a reduced digestion. Add more raw vegetables on the plate, as the enzymes are destroyed when you cook the food above 42 degrees. If you have trouble eating fresh vegetables due to a reduced intestinal function, steam them a little lightly.

2. Eat a pH-balanced diet
Eat a more base-forming than oxygen-forming diet, which means more vegetables, good fats and whole plant-based proteins.

3. Oxygenate your body
When you move your body at least 30 minutes a day, you increase the oxygenation and nutrition of all your vital organs. Another way is to breathe deeply from the stomach, in and out through the nose. Do it at least 15 minutes a day and you will feel a big difference!

4. Strengthen your immune system
Choose foods that favor your immune system. Vitamin C (for example, red bell pepper), selenium (for example, bazil nuts) and zinc (example, red lentils) and avoid all the white such as, sugar, wheat, milk and table salt, which adversely affects the body by acting mucus and creating inflammation.

5. A working digestive system
The condition for good skin and health, is a good digestion. Make sure you chew your food properly, eat slowly and add good bacteria to help your gut function better. They also help with the nutrient uptake and strengthen your immune system. You get the good bacteria by eating sour vegetables and eating a little of it every day.

Have a nice day and see you again next week again!

Johanna – Your Health Hero