Hi lovely you! I love the sun’s magical rays that make us feel so good! I hope you are having a great summer! Right now, I’m lying on my balcony planning for the future, and I’m almost longing for autumn with all the excitement that’s to come!...
Hello Superhero Entrepreneur! I hope you’re well! Today Im going to talk about the sun and how to tan smart! Summer is soon here, and I long to feel the grass or sand between my toes. I think that summer is the best time, and I have many nice summer memories...
Lovely smoothie with Clorella This smoothie is perfect to start the day with. It is full of protein, antioxidants, and fiber that will benefit the skin for the better and more easily excrete slag. It contains, among other things, turmeric which strengthens and...
I have trained and studied mental training for many years. It is so wonderful when you understand that you can see life from a different view and that it is a choice which view you choose to see it from. The whole body is one; everything is connected! If you do not...
Hi! Hope everything is well with you! This week me and a few from the Holistic Health Academy team are going to be at STHLM Beauty Week! Feel free to follow their Instagram account, because...