Easy & healthy Mexican quinoa salad

Easy & healthy Mexican quinoa salad

Hi! I just wanted to share this straightforward, healthy, and fast Mexican quinoa salad! And it only takes 15 minutes to make! Ingredients: -1 cup quinoa -1-1.5 cups vegetable stock -1/2 red onion -1 cup cooked black beans -2 tomatoes -1 cob of cooked corn...
4 steps to a better mindset!

4 steps to a better mindset!

Hi! I hope everything is okay with you despite all that is going on! I try to keep calm, and it´s important to spread love instead of fear in these times! I will share how you can get a better mindset through 4 steps. As I mentioned, we all must act out of love rather...
Simple, fresh Green Smoothie recipe!

Simple, fresh Green Smoothie recipe!

A simple green and fresh smoothie with protein from cashews! This smoothie is perfect as a snack, breakfast or even desert! Ingredients, 2 servings: -2 cups fresh pineapple, chopped-2 large ripe bananas peeled-12 ounces of orange juice-1 large handful of spinach-1...
50 degree springs in the Andes, Chile

50 degree springs in the Andes, Chile

Hi! I hope everything is well with you; I am still in Chile and having a great time! Working as a digital nomad is the best thing!  Yesterday we went up to the mountains in the Andes, and it was one of the most incredible things I have ever done. It took us about 2...
5 things that slow down aging!

5 things that slow down aging!

Hi! Right now im in Santiago, Chile after a 2 day trip. We went in the middle of the storm, and missed our connecting flight because of it. Which gave us an extra day in Paris, but im in the sun now! I usually go away on a trip when I feel like i need the sun a lot...