

I love autumn and its wonderful colors!

Every morning I sit and meditate by the water where I live. Meditation is something I would not be able to live without. I think everyone should do it for at least 20 minutes a day. 

I want to tell you that I am so proud of Holistic Health Academy and what I have created! Being able to help so many people to a better skin and health, it´s something that gilds my everyday life and my heart <3 You can read more about Holistic Health Academy at Ekoappen. 

Today I address the connection between the skin and the stomach. A good digestion is equal to a radiant skin! I give you 5 tips that make both the skin and digestion feel better!


Good digestion = Fine skin!


The skin is your largest organ and also one of your most important excretory organs, just like the liver, kidneys and lungs. The body gets rid of toxins and slag via these organs and the skin is the body’s language to tell when it needs help. It can show off as acne, eczema, pigmentation or prematurely aged skin, etc.

Stress, wrong living with poor diet and too many chemicals can affect the skin negatively and the body of course, everything belongs together! The function and environment of the intestine is extremely important for how the skin feels. An overloaded bowel can mean an overloaded liver. An overloaded liver can cause an overloaded skin. Then it is important to relieve the body of toxins both from the outside and inside.


5 tips for a better environment in the gut and a radiant skin!


1. Eat more greens, as these are food for the good bacteria. Make a juice of carrot, celery, spinach (kale if you have a gut that can handle it), broccoli, ginger and turmeric. A milder juice for the stomach can be beets, apple, spinach and cucumber. When you fast, the bowel may rest a little. Remove fast carbohydrates (rice, pasta and wheat) and sugar, but also milk for a better environment in the gut. Today, there are good substitutes for just these foods that are much better for the gut. 

2. Add probiotics and pickled vegetables! These help the gut to have a better environment and increase the motor skills in the gut.

3. Add good fats (avocado, olive oil, hemp, nuts, etc.) and drink about 2 liters of water a day (if you exercise, you may need more water). Movement is important for intestinal motor skills, so find a form of exercise that suits you.

4. Use effective and natural skin care products. We have lost about 35% of our bacteria on the skin and it is important to build up the skin’s immune system and barrier and not use too strong acids or the like that can destroy the skin’s important acid mantle and defense. With reduced skin, bacteria can more easily get in and settle on the skin and create various skin problems.

5. Do not forget to chew your food when you eat! It increases the absorption of nutrients and the intestine does not have to work extra with undigested food.

Do you want more inspiration and not miss something that I write about or post? Feel free to join my Facebook group, Johanna Bjurström – din hälsohero!

Have a nice day!


Johanna – Your health hero!