

I just wanted to share this straightforward, healthy, and fast Mexican quinoa salad! And it only takes 15 minutes to make!


-1 cup quinoa

-1-1.5 cups vegetable stock

-1/2 red onion

-1 cup cooked black beans

-2 tomatoes

-1 cob of cooked corn

-2 small avocado (ripe but firm)

-2 hands entire cilantro leaves

-1-2 red chilies

-2 limes




  • Wash and deseed tomatoes and dice into corn-size pieces. 
  • Wash and peel the onion and chop VERY finely. 
  • Peel avocado and dice into corn-size pieces.
  • Wash and chop cilantro leaves. Add to bowl.
  • Rinse beans and add to bowl.
  • Cut off kernels from the ear of corn. 
  • Wash and chop the chili. 
  • Once the quinoa is cooked, fluff it with a fork. Add to bowl with all other ingredients.
  • Season with salt, pepper, and a lot of lime juice. Stir and serve.
