
Every Wednesday, I meet with my students, and seeing how they grow and develop is incredibly inspiring. I always feel energized after these meetings. What I’ve created within holistic beauty is something I’m genuinely passionate about – being able to help others improve their skin health while supporting them in building their dream lives as coaches.

I see the skin as a reflection of the body’s inner balance. When we take care of the body, the skin radiates as well. It’s important to understand that we can’t separate the inner from the outer – they are deeply connected. External treatments alone are rarely enough – you must strengthen the skin from within to see long-term results.

Everything affects your skin, from your products to your sleep, diet, exercise, and mental health. Unfortunately, there’s no quick miracle cure to solve skin problems overnight, but you can build a foundation for radiant skin through small, daily changes. 

Here are six routines that will help you on your way:
1. Strengthen the skin from within
Your diet has a big impact on your skin. To maximize skin health, eat a nutrient-rich, green diet with healthy fats from olive oil, avocado, and nuts. Essential nutrients like vitamins A, C, and E, along with beta-carotene and lutein, found in carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, and kale, are essential in providing the skin with the antioxidants it needs.
2. Strengthen the skin from the outside
Using skincare products that suit your skin type and contain natural, synthetic-free ingredients is important. Products with nourishing oils, such as jojoba oil and sea buckthorn, can balance the skin’s pH level and give your skin what it needs without disturbing its natural balance. Remember, the right product choices make a big difference!
3. Water – the key to hydration
Water is crucial for your skin cells to function optimally and to remove toxins. Since the skin is the last organ to receive water, you must drink regularly throughout the day. Aim for at least 1.5 liters of water daily, and increase that amount if you’re exercising.
4. Movement nourishes the skin
Exercise increases blood circulation, which allows your skin to receive more oxygen and nutrients, giving it a glow. Sweating also helps to cleanse the pores, but don’t forget to wash your face right after working out to remove any impurities. Aim to move for at least 30 minutes each day.
5. Beauty sleep for radiance
Your skin repairs itself while you sleep, making sleep essential for a glowing complexion. Make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep per night and maintain a regular sleep schedule by going to bed and waking up at the same time each day.
6. Recovery gives your skin a glow
Stress affects not only your mind but also your skin. Stress hormones can trigger acne and eczema, and blood circulation to the skin decreases. By practicing daily meditation, deep breathing, and setting aside time, you can calm your system, which will work wonders for your skin.
Love, Johanna ❤️